Monday, June 28, 2010

It's been tooo long

I'm starting a new career adventure today so it's high time to start blogging again. Nothing to report yet, the ferry is substantially less "entertaining" than BART.

Stay tuned!
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

I think I just saw Elphaba!

I just saw a girl with a baseball cap, parka hood *and* umbrella. It's barely raining! I think she's the Wicked Witch. "I'm mellllllting!"

Also, why doesn't this broad on BART realize her face is a different color than her neck? Blend your makeup, woman!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I had to put my iPod on because I wasn't enjoying the sloppy sounds of making out accompanied by light moaning going on behind me...

Don't get me wrong! Hold my hand, give me a kiss, playfully swat me on the ass... (lol) I'm a fan of PDA, but when it becomes a Public Display of Intimacy it's just a leeeetle too much for me. Time and place people, time and place!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today's Bobsy Twin sighting

They are wearing the same black boots, red chenille scarf, red sweater, mustard cross-body bag... And have brown raincoats on that aren't exactly the same. The only thing that's totally different are their pants and ages!

They boggle my mind.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Stephen King books are real!

At least that's how I feel as I'm being stared at by the icy-blue eyed old gypsy.  Everytime I look up, he's staring. I am just waiting for him to point his finger at me and start chanting "thinner!"

I want to lose weight, but not like this!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I can't take it!

On BART with a loud mouth pimp and a dude sweating and coughing up a lung. Not a banner day on the train!

The good news is I was busier than a seaport hooker so today flew by.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Self awareness day

Today is one of those days when I think about some of my traits and behaviors. Some are funny and some are not nice. I'm such a dichotomy. As real as I am, and as easy-going... Don't ever let me make you think I'm uncomplicated. I admit I am not.

Things about me I thought about on my drive to BART:

I have a fair amount of road rage, but would never hurt someone as a result. I cuss so much at other drivers I think I'll pop a vein.

I definitely believe I can do a lot of things better than most people, including driving. Damn, stupid scared people should not go out on that big scary road and fuck my day up!
I have a healthy disdain for most humans. When I find one I can respect, admire and trust I hang on to them. Dogs rule.

I was touched to the points of tears last night reading how my friend Rebekah went out of her way to save a little, sick and blind field mouse. She named him Ben. He passed away in the comfort of her compassionate hands. Who does this?! Not enough of us.

Finally, so you don't all think I'm a total hardass bitch, as I was walking down the escalator to the train I noticed the woman in front of me had her sweater on inside out. I tapped her shoulder and let her know. She said "I was in such a hurry, silly me!" and she thanked me profusely.

As much as I complain about people, I still have faith and hope and want to be kind to them.